File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-19.143, message 88

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 09:06:11 -0100
Subject: China - Taiwan

Dear Adam,

a small misunderstanding. My comparison was some kind of wishful
thinking. Because of time, I will give some thesis.

1. There are different forms of democracy. Democracy in a
,buergerliche" capitalist society and democracy in the sense of Rosa

2. China is not a democracy in the sense of Rosa Luxemburg, but in the
CPCh you have some alternative. China is not like Stalin's SU. (In
moment I read Victor Serge: Die grosse Ernuechterung. Der Fall Tulajew -
franz.: L' affaire Toulaev).

3. Taiwan is part of China, like Bavaria in Germany. (What do you 
think will happen, if Bavaria will become independent?)

4. I am a little pessimistic about the democracy in Taiwan or Hong
Kong. Is it democracy? And in what form? We have some kind of
democracy in USA and in FRG, but our critical sympathy and solidarity
is to Cuba, China and Vietnam.

5. If we make a comparison, so we need more criterion as to choose the
president. (I think we agree in that point.)

In solidarity  - Wolfgang


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