Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 13:58:09 +0000 Subject: Conference Marxist Philosophy Today Here are the details of a conference being organised by the Open Polemic collective. Title: Marxist Philosophy Today Date: Sunday 12th May Venue: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London Session 1: Emergence of Marx's philosophy - introduced by Phil Sharpe Session 2: Issues raised by Marx's Capital - introduced by Paul Cockshott Session 3: Marxism and history - introduced by Ted Hankin Session 4: Problems facing Marxism today - debate speakers to include John Bridge, Steve Freeman and Gary O'Shea All sessions will include a discussion period for all participants in the conference. The conference is being arranged around the book 'The Philosophy of Marx' by Etienne Balibar (Verso 1995); available from Open Polemic at the reduced price of ?7.00 including postage. For free entry ticket and further information, write to: OPEN POLEMIC, P.O. Box 1169, London W3 9PF --- from list ---
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