File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-30.191, message 129

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 12:08:08 -0600
Subject:  Re: M2 moderation / meta-discussion -Reply

>>> Rahul Mahajan <>  4/25/96, 10:30am >>>
It's true that cross-posting in a deliberate attempt to undo the
separation of the two l*sts should be resisted [snip]

Lisa: Resisted how?  By various people repeatedly complaining about
it onlist?  By repeated announcement of policy, ad infinitum?  Or by
announcing a policy and then enforcing.

Rahul:  You should see the kinds of things they're saying about M2 on
M1. I can't really balme them, though, because it does look like
awfully hoity-toity behavior from the outside.

Lisa:  That kind of denunciation was being done _before_ Malecki was
unsubbed.  He posted in several places on the internet that M2 didn't
"allow workers" and so on while _he was actually a member_ himself
and there had been no expulsions at all!  Go figure that one out...

Nonetheless, I'd be content for their exiles to be temporary, if they
were content to respect list purpose and policy.

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