File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-30.191, message 135

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:09:06 -0600
Subject:  Re: M2 moderation / meta-discussion -Reply -Reply

Hi, Jerry,
I just wrote up this bit off the top of my head, but now I'm thinking
maybe I shouldn't post it right away.  I don't want to get carried
away and escalate things.  So I'm just sending it to you instead, for
Was booting B+M a Bad Thing?

>>> Rahul Mahajan <>  4/25/96, 01:30pm >>>
By announcing a policy and then warning. If the warning is ignored,
then action can be taken. It should also be made clear that there is
no objection to someone's discussing the same topic on both lists,
just to anything that will cause cross-traffic.

Lisa:  Was this not announced a few times?  Was this not made clear
enough?  I checked with some members off-list, to see if it was clear
enough, then made _another_ policy announcement just to make sure,
but some people were determined to just keep pushing it.  

I'm still willing to give them another shot, just because some people
that I respect are asking for it, but NOT BECAUSE IT WAS CENSORSHIP. 
I cannot emphasize enough how strongly I feel about this.  None of
this makes any sense in terms of anybody's "free speech rights" at
all.  Geez, it's just a conversation.

Boddhi's little word games, "no I wasn't _complaining_ about
censorship, I was just pointing it out when I saw it" I find
absolutely intolerable.  And this claim of "censorship" was just
about the very policy that Rahul has reiterated above!  So, can we
drop the "censorship" talk, please?  

That is one of the things I came here to escape.  

(I agree with Leo's assessment of those who pursued us.)

BTW I know exactly what's being said on M1.  It's the same thing some
people were saying about us before we left.  To those who think that
booting Malecki was equivalent to banning "the proletariat" and treat
a cyber discussion group as if it were an actual field of liberatory
struggle, I say "fake leftist, groucho marxist and proud, quack,

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