File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-05-24.181, message 128

Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 09:04:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "Lazy" is a good word.

>From a working-class and historical perspective, "lazy" is a good word
precisely because it has a prejorative sense for capital. That is, the
right to both more "free" time and the right and ability to more freely
dispose of "free" time runs counter to the capitalist perspective on time
management for workers. For capital, any time not being used for the
purposes of production and profit is wasted potential. From a workers'
perspective, what is being wasted without "free" time is both their
creativity and potential.

One of the hallmarks of a (potential) future society not based on
exploitation will be the right of producers themselves to decide on the
allocation of time for production vs. other purposes. In that sense, the
very meaning of the term "lazy" will be re-defined. This does not mean,
however, that there will not be conflicts between what is desirable from
an individual perspective vs. what is desirable from a social perspective.
The criteria, however, will no longer be based on the value-form.


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