File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-05-24.181, message 129

Date: Fri, 17 May 96 14:31:38 GMT
Subject: Re: "Lazy" is a good word.

Marx wrote something along the lines of in a socialist society we
shall look after sheep in the morning, go hunting in the afternoon,
and critisize literature all night, if we choose.

What he meant was the divisions between work and leisure, mental and
physical activity, would no longer have any meaning.

What does "lazy" actually mean in this context ?

All I was trying to say was that the word "lazy" reflects a society
in which both work and leisure are alienated activities. Activities
which we might see as work or as leisure were not so in pre class
societies, nor will they be in a socialist one. So "lazy" just
doesn't mean anything in those contexts, and therefore has no generally
valid meaning at all.

Except of course Sally Farrer, who failed to get up to do her industrial 
sale this morning, and is therefore a lazy bastard.


Adam Rose


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