File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-05-24.181, message 167

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 16:48:01 -0400
Subject: Heretic Refuses To Recent

In a message dated 96-05-22 11:52:57 EDT, Ralph writes:

>Leo, you are full of crap as usual.  What does it mean for an 
>intelletual jurnal to forsake politics?  Te roblem is they have no 
>inteleltual integrroty and hnce they are useless.  And why should a
>scientist  be concerned with something as worthless as discourse theory?

I guess that anything less than cheerleading for those who want to see this
problematic in Manichaean terms as a battle between the forces of
enlightenment (science) and the forces of darkness (a residual category in
which everything from discourse theory to deconstruction can be conveniently
dumped) will fall short for Ralph, Rahul and others. I can only say that I do
not share in their faith, I do not find the self-satisfied condemnations of
the heretical and apostatic even interesting (to say nothing of compelling),
and that I am not about to genuflect before the altar of science, anymore
than I would worship at the temple of _Social Text_. Sorry if my agnosticism
about the more grandiose claims for human knowledge bugs you, but I yam what
I yam.

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