Date: Thu, 23 May 96 11:40:41 GMT Subject: Re: TREE - reply to Terry's of 4-19, part 2 -Reply -Reply > > Lisa earlier provides a good example of this. Ultras contend that > punctuated equilibrium can be assimilated as an observation of different > rates of evolutionary change. No big deal, No change in worldview > needed. Gould and Eldredge however contend that this insight > fundamentally alters the pattern and dynamics of evolutionary change. > Further that it allows the actual theorization of species as a > category in the history of life which the population genetics story > of relatively smooth genetic change within populations cannot > conceive. > > Opposing unnecessary polarization in this case is a wish that the > opposition would go away expressed in the voice of sweet reason. > > Terry McDonough > If this isn't an argument for a dialectic in nature, I don't know what is. Adam. Adam Rose SWP Manchester UK --------------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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