File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-05-24.181, message 37

Date:          Wed, 1 May 1996 21:01:56 +0000
Subject:       Re: HAPPY MAY DAY EVERYONE!

"Priests with arrest records ... "

Jerry is right; there are a lot of Catholic priests with arrest 
records. Our local one has his mostly for anti-war and disarment 
stuff, although he has also done some quirky stuff like harassing 
street prostitute to "clean up the neighborhood", etc.

The Unitarian minister up the street told me he once asked the 
Catholic why so many priests and nuns were able to get arrested. "We 
don't have to stand for re-election like you do, so we can afford to 
take more time off work going to jail."


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