File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-05-24.181, message 52

Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 16:33:46 -0600
Subject:  *official announcement* re: archives, WWW, info

The info sheet has been updated a bit.  Original intentions were to
keep the guidelines general and positive.  Some requests for more
detailed "rules" or instructions have resulted in the addition of a
few to the end of the info sheet, which specify some "don'ts" and a
bit of unsubbing procedure.  Those content with the general idea of
having a separate, moderated list don't need to be bothered by
posting it here.  Anyone can get a copy of the current info sheet by
sending mail to:
with message content:

info marxism2

The Spoon Web page address is on the info sheet.  The WWW page links
to archives of most Spoon lists, including M2 now.  These archives do
contain a lot of information and discussion of many topics, and may
be a good resource for reference.  

Each time period in the archive has both a file of the contents of
the posts and an index of titles only.  If you can search the index
for key words, this may help you find a topic.  [This is one of the
reasons for trying to keep the subject lines of our posts related to
the content.]  Or, for the gun control example, if Leo or somebody
else can recall the time period that a discussion took place, that
can help somebody find it.

Also, I suggest we don't bad-mouth M1 [in public, on M2].  Not that
_any_ mention of M1 is a problem, of course not, it's just that the
quality thereof and one's version of it's history is a touchy topic
for some people, and not highly relevant to discussion anyway.

Thanks much,
Lisa "the Queen of ducks" / moderator

P.S.  I've been offline a few days, but may get an account I can
access from home, very soon.

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