File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-06-08.010, message 10

Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 14:08:51 -0700 (PDT)

Calling Sokal a star is a fraud for a number of reasons.  The
issue is not that Sokal relied on presumed scientifc trust which
he abused.  The point is these English Dept dingbats -- there is
no such thing as an english prof with an IQ above 12 -- couldn't
spot an obvious fraud.  That is becuase they are frauds themselves
and write the same shit.  That's the point.  I am no physicist,
but I can tell the difference.  What's woprse is that these pomo
shits think they can meddle in physical science, which takes some
real expertise and training, without having any expertise, but
when someone challenges _their_ field, all of a sudden they pull
rank and claim that interlopers lack their expertise.  Smelly
Aronowitz did this and so did Fish.  Bastards!  I'm not tolerating
this.  I'm out of retirement and loaded for bear.

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