File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-06-08.010, message 109

Date: Tue, 28 May 96 15:12:11 GMT
Subject: Re: Re[2]: waiting for Godel

Jerry writes:
> Rahul
> ====> Deep down, I imagine most mathematicians and physicists are
> Platonic realists, although they recognize such a view is not strictly
> justifiable.
> Adam
> ===> Deep down, most mathematicians are . . . mathematicians.
> Jerry
> ====> Gee, I thought that deep down, mathematicians and physicists are people too.

I saw a program about the guy who proved Fermat's last theorem.
It almost had me in tears - and the same goes for a friend of mine
who had only done maths upto 16 year old standard.

Staticians on the other hand . . . 

> It may be true, however, that many mathematicians tend to analyze other
> (e.g. social) questions using the axioms and philosophy of formal logic.

Most of them aren't that stupid ( and most of them don't know much about
formal logic ).


Adam Rose


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