File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-06-08.010, message 197

Date: Thu, 06 Jun 1996 10:46:11 -0600
Subject: from Despain re:Lucacs [forwarded]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 04:11:33 -0600 (MDT)
From: hans despain <>
To: marxism2-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: Re: Lukacs 

Following Wolfgang's comments, it would be quite pleasing to see a 
discussion of Georg Lukacs emerge.  i am quite short of time, but i
would like to offer a few comments (hopefully to spark some others).

i for one very much believe that Lukacs remains very important today.
Specifically i want to maintain the importance of Lukacs pivots on
(at least) the following:

	(a) a valiant and life time commitment to linking theory and 
	(b) restoration of the importance of philosophy and its relation 
	    to (scientific) knowledge; and its role in resolving social
	(c) an attept to rescue ontology and (Marxian) realism;
	(d) as one of the initial contributions toward an acknowledgement 
 	    of the sociology of knowledge;
	(e) as a founder and principal figure in the emergence of Western 
Marxism.  Which constitutes a fundemental shift from the Economism of
the Soviet Marxists, toward a more philosophical understanding of
social issues and struggle.

i realize that much more could be added to this brief list, but i
know Lukacs from (direct readings) his *History and Class
Consciousness* (1924) *Lenin: A Study on the Unity of his Thought*
(1924); *The Young Hegel* (1938); and *Towards an Ontology of Social
Being* (1971).  He had a rather infamous career in literary criticism
(following his "political" and "theoretical" defeats) in the 1930s
and 40s (which i know nearly nothing).  He returns to his more
important intellectual pursuits in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.  He final
lost his battle to cancer in 1971.

i only have time to mention one more item.  Namely Istvan Meszaros's
very important publication *Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of
Transition* (1995).  Lacking the time to study this work rigorously,
i have only been able to thumb through it.  However, i believe it to
be of great significance (as anyone else seen this book?).  In any
event, one can argue that book pivots on the work of Lukacs and his
contribution to theory, practice, philosohy and knowledge.  

If i am able to find the time, and if there is interest i could pass
on my reading of Meszaros's book.  It is nearly 1000 pages, which at
least 200 pages are dedicated directly to Lukacs.

hans despain 

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