Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 08:05:03 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Sokal's Web Page From: "Jonathon E. Mote" <> At 12:04 PM 6/5/96, Gregoire de Nowell (ci-devant) wrote: >Congrats to you for carrying Comrade Sokal whose >parody of the pomo (=post modernist) garbage was long >overdue. Does anyone have a full citation o the work in >question? I've only seen the NYT article. >From Sokal's web page, you can download a copy of his article that appeared in Social Text, as well a copy of his article that appeared in Lingua Franca in which he disclosed the fact that the first article was a parody. The URL is Jonathon E. Mote --- from list ---
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