Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 13:42:10 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: waiting for Godel I read HOfsdater's shit years ago. I suggest to Jukka that you read it before you deny it is fundamentally ideological. I've known a lot of hi-tech hippies in my lifetime, and I am very familiar with the ideoligcal needs that such people have. I suggest you read Hofstatder more carefully, then you will see how little subsatnce there is in it. And check with people in mathemtics to see how much they respect him for this book. Perhpas a list of publishers who rejected it before it was finally accepted for publication might be instructive. Of course the Godel book was befreo pomo. It came in on the New Age bandwagon. BOugfeois ideology contanstantly mutates, but its fundamental features never change. Now, Rahul, it's your turn to come out swinging. We can;t afford to let these dishonest little piss-ants to get away with their perps. --- from list ---
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