File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-10.220, message 121

Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 22:32:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: marxism, the gay (or dismal) science

Well, it seems that there can't be a marxist physics, a marxist 
chemistry, or a marxist anthropology (and if there are, then they're just 
bad science). The only things that marxism can claim to be a science of 
would be history and economics. Engels's forays into anthropology and 
physical sciences stand revealed as significantly flawed in light of 
present-day knowledge, apparently. What of Marx? In the *Manuscripts* he 
said: "Natural science will in time subsume the science of man just as 
the science of man will subsume natural science: there will be one 
	That statement appears to have a nice dialectical ring to it. But 
subsequent to Marx's day, one end of that dialectic has been lopped off. 
It is much more readily apparent that natural science has subsumed human 
science than the other way around, yes?

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