File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-10.220, message 29

Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 16:29:32 -0500
Subject: Re: Schrodinger's Cat

>At 2:34 PM 6/10/96, Rahul Mahajan wrote:
>>People keep on testing all
>>the very well-tested fundamental laws because science is predicated on the
>>assumption that no knowledge is absolute
>Wait a minute. Don't all those spongy cult stud types say this is just what
>science *isn't* like?

There seems to be a great deal of confusion on this point. Simply put, a
properly carried out program of methodological doubt offers the best (in
fact, the only) basis for an approximation of certainty. I believe a cult
stud-like study of the cultural studies of science community would be
vastly more damning than anything they do.


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