File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-10.220, message 43

Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 10:02:46 -0700 (PDT)

Regarding my query on William Blake and the Frankfurt School, I
put out the word on several lists and got a few responses, but all
negative as far as finding even the slightest mention of Blake is
concerned.  I followed up a suggestion to check the personal name
index of a history of the Frankfurt School by Rolf Wiggershaus.  I
checked the German and English editions, and no results.  I'm
still looking for even the barest mention of Blake in any of the
Frankfurt School literature.

At one step removed, I'm interested in any secondary literature
that compares Blake to anyone or anything in the Frankfurt School.
There are studies of Romanticism from the standpoint of
germanophone thinkers, e.g. Lukacs, but we already know that
germanophone thinkers were versed in German Romanticism.  The
question is: how did they relate to English Romanticism?

Most broadly, I'm interested in any comparative studies of Blake
and German thought.  I've got all of the scanty literature on
Blake and Hegel.  I've got a couple of additional articles on
Blake and contemporaneous German idealism.

I received one response on the Frankfurt School list by someone
who was puzzled by the very notion that any of these folks reared
in the German tradition would have ever written about Blake.  I
would rather explain my interest in this topic after I have done
the research.  For now, I would just ask you to use your
imagination as to why this might be an exciting line of research.

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