Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 21:04:26 +0000 Subject: Missing In Action ----Forwarded Message---- Date sent: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 16:55:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Flora Tristan X334260 <> Subject: MIAs Fellow Workers, "Missing in Action" is the title of a story appearing in today's (June 12, 1996) "Wall Street Journal". It seems that, "about a million men" are missing and unaccounted for in the unemployment statistics. Where are these former wage-slaves? Well, according to the "WSJ" many are languishing at home on welfare, in states where they can still get it, while others are retraining themselves at community colleges for jobs they'll be too old to land. It may be that there are more than a million too. Famed capitalist liberal economist Lester Thurow is said to estimate that the number of missing wage-slaves amount to 5.8 million. Add to this the 1.5 million doing time in the slammers of Freedomeland and your get quite a large "reserve army of labor", waiting to sell their skills to the highest bidder. Well, high may not be quite the appropriate adjective. As the "Journal" writer opines, "The missing men, however, may also indicate a slack labor force, which could enable business to expand and hire more people without pushing up wages. So, the missing men may act as a buffer against the threat of wage-push inflation." Wage-push inflation is capitalist code for the principle that wages must be kept low so that profits can be pushed to the sky. Increased wages cause lower profits, not higher inflation. Oh well, it is the "WSJ" after all. And editorializing along in this front page spread, the "Journal" writer casts aspersions on those wage-slaves who having been downsized, refuse to take their medicine--a pay cut in order to get another job. But he assures his bourgeois readers, they'll come around. The capitalist politicians are cutting programs left and right for the needy and soon these proto-lumpens will be forced to do their part in the MacDonaldized economy of the future. Welcome to the millennium wage-slaves; just like the last one. Ain't it time to chuck the bosses off our backs? If you haven't done so already, join the OBU, the quickest ticket to a better way of living and freedom from wage-slavery. Your liberation will only come about, if you act for yourself. Flora Tristan --- from list ---
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