Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 23:27:19 +0100 Subject: Re: Enough Of These Censorship Crap Leo, There was nothing substantively political or intellectual about your latest contribution, not to mention the heading. Like Jerry's posting, it was a gratuitous attack on a subscriber instead of addressing the issues he raised, namely: censorship use of technology formal and informal power management the limits of discourse in relation to certain current ideologies, such as postmodernism and marxism. If you think subscribers should have more distance to their own experiences with these phenomena, say so. If you think it's inadmissible to use personal experience on the Net as an example, say so. I don't see why it should be on-topic to indulge in this kind of snarling against someone officially declared to be off-topic. I thought the consensus was to avoid all off-topic stuff like the plague. For myself, I think cases like this show the limits of ideological discourse in certain frameworks on the Net pretty clearly. Informal control consists in emotional responses devoid of any reference explicit or implicit to the policies of the arena of discussion, whatever they might be for the concrete arena involved. Formal control relates explicitly or implicitly to the rules of the discussion group, with little or no reference to the ostensible content, eg Foucault or postmodernism or whatever. There appears to be priority given to form over content, and this is a problem for Marxists. One of the problems postmodernists have is that their critique of institutions is often institutionally based, and they end up either cutting off the branch they're sitting on, or having the institution win. Marxists don't have a blanket critique of institutions -- they characterize them and use ones that are adequate to their purposes. An ongoing and open criticism of all institutions including their own is, however, absolutely essential to the health of any valid Marxist discussion. Where this is curtailed for whatever reason, problems pile up. Stalinism is the prime example here, in all its varieties. Imagine, say, a School of Marxism in the USA, at a prestigious privately funded university with its snout deep in the money trough of government research grants. What sort of Marxism will it promote, if it absolutely refuses to examine the practice of its own host university, that is to say, if university policy is a no-go area? So, ideological discourse is full of contradictions, but that's the dialectic for you. Of course I prefer to discuss in a framework where it's possible to question (did someone say 'problematize'?) the institutional framework itself. It's an old Marxist tic of mine. Funny the way it riles some people. Cheers, Hugh --- from list ---
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