File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-31.055, message 128

Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 11:05:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Marxism: meat and potatoes questions

>To Mark Adkins,
>     Excuse me if I seem impolite, but the tone of
>your last message and its substantive content were
>remarkably ridiculous.  You are upset that several
>people attempted to answer your questions and provided
>you with book references, most of them reasonably
>relevant as near as I can tell.  But now you are all
>in a huff that you have not received from almost everyone
>on this list their responses to your questions without
>any literature references.
>     Do you realize how many questions you asked in your
>last post that we are all supposed to answer?  I lost
>count but it was closing on a hundred.  I suggest that
>you a)  figure out what it is you really want answered, and
>b) go check the archives of this list and of marxism-AT-jefferson.
> where most of the questions you raise
>have been discussed at length, if not always intelligibly,
>before you barrage this list with such drivel again.
>Barkley Rosser

I say, Barkley, old man, you do seem to be getting infected by the M1
virus. You had better cease any contact with Louis Proyect, or you will
soon be a hopeless case.

I haven't figured out if Mark is a seeker after truth or a chain-yanker
yet, myself. Perhaps he's a plot by the FBI to make the intellectual
leadership of international socialism irrelevant by having them spend all
their time producing learned dissertations on the fundamentals of Marxism.
Hard to say.


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