File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-31.055, message 132

Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 15:25:16 -0700
Subject: Re: Marxism: meat and potatoes questions

jc mullen wrote:
> I don't feel too sorry that the guy got a lot of book references. If you want to
> understand the world and or change it, you got to read books at some point. Be a
> bit more humble, sunshine and read a few books.
> John Mullen
> Socialisme International
>      --- from list ---

I must concurr with Rahul, John and, in substance if not in the tone for which he has 
already apologized, Barkley.  Philosophically, I was raised on Leo Straus.  While I can't 
agree with his substantive conclusions, he was quite right when he emphasized 
understanding any philosopher as he or she understood himself or herself.  The only way 
to do this is in-depth study of primary sources.  Essentially, Mark, I cannot advise you 
more strongly NOT to take our word for it.

I notice that your e-mail address is at ASU; I assume this is Arizona State.  There 
should be some good people there in your political science and philosophy departments to 
talk to about Marx's arguments; if you are in one of those departments, you could 
possibly do an independent study or take some coruses in Marx.  But I cannot 
overemphasize the importance of reading Marx, reading Engels, and reading the major 
Marxist theorists since Marx, i.e., Lenin and Gramsci.  Even if the collective mind of 
this list wasn't a greatly advanced case of schitzophrenia (I sure wish Netscape had a 
spell check) our mind is no substitute for yours.
Yours &c.,

Jeff Johnson				  "Amicus Socrates, amicus Plato,
Graduate Student, Political Science		sed magis amica veritas."
University of Wisconsin--Madison	 	              --Aristotle

     --- from list ---


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