Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 23:38:43 -0400 Subject: Little Hughy's Meat and Potatoes In a message dated 96-07-30 21:12:00 EDT, Little Red Hughy writes: << Leo writes a lot of anti-Marxist drivel>> Why, of course, any suggestion that one might examine the Marxian tradition with anything resembling a critical spirit -- let us say, in the spirit of "the ruthless criticism of all existing things" -- must be anti-Marxist drivel. << If Leo thinks the list response is 'jumping all over' somebody, he's got a strange idea of 'jumping all over' (and a very short memory). His own gratuitous slurring of Doug H is a much better example of 'jumping all over', but perhaps he thinks this is necessary, Doug H preferring m1 and all that.>> I could care less where and how he gets his jollies, and I haven't paid the slightest attention to the dearly departed of M1 since they decided to engage in the pleasures of sanitorium discourse. If you and he love M1 so much, wank away over there. My "slurs" were references to his usual practice of gracing us with the cyber equivalent of his spittum. <<And there ain't no such animal as 'the Marxian project'. *Marx* had a project -- helping society move from the historically spent capitalist mode of production to the collectively owned and cooperatively managed socialist mode of production, the preconditions for which had been put in place by the development of capitalism. The main instrument of this transformation he saw in an international, proletarian, revolutionary socialist party. But Marxists vary from complete support for this line to complete opposition to it, depending on their degree of orthodoxy.>> Gee. Thanks for the insight. It's so deep, I have too rethink everything. --- from list ---
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