Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 11:45:35 -0500 Subject: Re: Re[2]: SARFATTI'S PHYSICS -- WHAT TO MAKE IF THIS? (fwd) I just checked out a description of a new "theory" by Sarfatti on the Web. It's absolute nonsense. Sokal's article actually made a lot more sense, for the most part. Here's a sample: > However, my new theory suggests that when the "hot" interactive decoherence is >screened out, even small numbers of interacting elementary particles like >>electrons and protons in hydrogen bonds universally and spontaneously >acquire a >living "sentience" because the back-action is able to perform >its automatic >massively-parallel quantum-computing function protected >from external >perturbations. This almost achieves the level of Derrida or Lacan. Rahul --- from list ---
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