Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 02:37:20 -0400 Subject: Re: dialectics Jukka Laari writes: >It's not that dialectic represents reality, rather we become >'dialecticians' when we try to figure out all those different real >threads and their 'complex' relations. Perhaps 'dialectic' means our >effort to 'reproduce ideally' all contradictory, interrelated threads >in reality and evaluate them? Don't know.. any sense? This is exactly the point. I have developed it at length on the list last year. But since Jukka has brought the question back, I will briefly face it again here: Cognition Above all, life is a process of metabolism, the process where a subject appropriates its environment to produce itself. As such, the living subject carries in itself the capacity for regulating its process of metabolism. That is to say, it is able to cognize the potentiality of its own action and of its environment, so as to control the self-consumption it must undergo in the process of producing itself. Immediate cognition by means of ideas The subjects of the cognition by means of ideas always starts by facing their object as something external to themselves as such subjects. Under its simplest form, this cognition reaches the necessity of the subject's own action just insofar as this one virtually manifests itself to the subject's mind as an immediate link between the mutual necessity of subject and object. Consequently, such form of cognition does not go beyond the very exteriority of the subject and of its object. It is determined, thus, as an _immediate_ ideal cognition. The _representation_ of reality by means of thought This cognition develops into cognition by means of thought when the subject goes beyond the immediate concrete forms to discover their necessity as realizations of their abstract forms. Nevertheless, on performing this advance, the subject comes up, first of all, against the exteriority of the abstract forms themselves; that is to say, the subject starts by ideally facing the abstract forms in what these forms have of realized necessity, under their appearance as purely concrete forms. From which, the appropriation of a real necessity in thought takes its most primitive specific form by ideally placing by itself in a causal relation the real forms (abstract and concrete ones) starting from the way they present themselves to it; that is, by mentally conceiving links among the real forms on the basis of their exteriority; and, therefore, independently from their necessity. Cognition becomes a mental construction that follows a causality alien to the real one: the ideal _representation_ of reality. Logic is the scientific general form of this mental necessity. The analysis inherent in scientific representation, that is, in scientific theory, separates the abstract forms according to their degree of repetition, thus stopping at their externality. The return towards the concrete forms that comes after this analysis, takes shape in the addition of the non-repeating, and consequently previously excluded forms, to the representation. This process has no other necessity to follow than the purely constructive one dictated by its logic. Given the externality of the logical ideal necessity with respect to the real necessity it represents, scientific theories cannot go beyond being the formulation of hypothesis about the reality that exists in potency. And as scientific theory itself has already shown, there is no logical way of reaching the certitude about the content of reality of theoretical hypothesis previously to the action based upon them. Of course, it is always possible for more than one mental necessity to fit between the externality of the same real forms. So this sort of mental construction has no other relationship with the real forms it deals with than being one of their possible interpretations on a logical basis. As far as an interpretation of reality comes in, the corresponding real necessity remains beyond cognition's scope. So the action ruled through an _interpretation_ of reality, is an action that still knows its own necessity only through its appearances. The _reproduction_ of reality by means of thought, i.e., dialectics placed right side up The appropriation in thought of the real forms in their virtuality transcends the exteriority of these forms by ideally accompanying them in the unfolding of their real necessity. In this way, scientific cognition mentally reproduces their real concatenations, thus taking the form of an ideal _reproduction_ of reality. This cognition has no way of proceeding other than by making each real concrete form account for the necessity that it carries in itself as already realized, and each abstract real form, for the development of the necessity to be realized which it is. The analysis separates the concrete form that we face, from the necessity that it carries in itself as the other-one whose realization determines it. That is, it takes shape in the discovering, inside the concrete form (and as such, realized necessity), of its abstract form (and as such, necessity to be realized). The reproduction of reality in thought advances by following the development of the necessity that the simplest abstract form carries in itself. As soon as this abstract form realizes its necessity, i.e., it affirms itself as an abstract form, it negates itself as such abstract form to affirm itself as a realized necessity, i.e., as a concrete form. But this concrete form immediately negates itself as such, affirming itself as a form that carries in itself a necessity to be realized, i.e., as a new abstract form. This reproduction of the development of the real necessity by means of thought is unable to get to its end before reaching a form whose necessity exists only as a potency, and this potency has our transforming action, determined as an action that has needed to follow all this path to become a conscious action, as its necessary form of realizing itself. That is, it is unable to get to its end until our action can discover its own concrete form of conscious action, i.e., can discover itself, as the necessary concrete form of the realization of the real potencies at stake. Due to this form of its method, the ideal reproduction of reality is determined as _dialectical cognition_. By facing a real concrete form, our present-day general social relation, capital, Marx finds that it is possible to analytically discover the necessity that determines a real form and to follow thereafter its development until reproducing it in thought. Moreover, Marx discovers that this reproduction is not an abstract question that just concerns scientific method as such. He discovers that this reproduction is the concrete form that the revolutionary production of the consciously regulated society necessarily takes: this production needs to materializes itself in the conscious action that is determined as such for being regulated through the reproduction in thought of its own necessity as such revolutionary action. And this is what Capital is about. To finish by directly addressing Barkley Rosser's multiple choice > If dialectics is not a "two-valued logic" then what >is it? A many valued logic? A fuzzy valued logic? A >no value logic? Not a logic? As the reproduction of the real necessity in though, dialectics not only is not a logic, but the historical overcoming of logic. Logic becomes confined then in the limited field of mathematics, that is, in the specific field of the cognition of that real forms determined as the self-affirming through the negation of self-negation. The nature itself of this determination only allows its representation and not its reproduction, but also frees this representation of the burden of being an interpretation. And, yet, mathematics itself undergoes a substantial change in its form as soon as it becomes a specific moment in the reproduction of reality in thought. I can send via e-mail to anyone who may be interested a copy of my article "Capital's Development into Conscious Revolutionary Action: Critique of Scientific Theory," (in English or Spanish) where I synthesize my developments concerning the forms of scientific cognition. Juan Inigo --- from list ---
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