File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-31.055, message 68

Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 21:46:33 -0700
Subject: Re: "Evita" -- the movie

Jon Beasley-Murray wrote:

> Moreover, I wonder what the attraction of the musical is or was.  OK, it's
> a pretty good story-line, but not uniquely so.

Judging from the reaction of most people that I know who have seen the musical, I doubt 
that it actually has anything to do with the politics of the story.  Many of those that I 
know think that it is as fictional as _Phantom of the Opera_; few people actually 
recognize the significance of the Peronistas in Latin America.  I am afraid that the main 
reason for the popularity of _Evita_ is nothing more profound than Andrew Lloyd Weber's 
score.  And I must add, that popularity is more than deserved.  It's too bad, though.  
I'd like to see more people recognize the story for what it is, though I'm sure Weber 
would disagree.  His upper-class patrons would probably not like to see the truth of what 
the Peronistas were.

Yours &c.,

Jeff Johnson				  "Amicus Socrates, amicus Plato,
Graduate Student, Political Science		sed magis amica veritas."
University of Wisconsin--Madison	 	              --Aristotle

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