File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-31.055, message 71

Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 10:50:43 +0000
Subject: ARRIVAL

Karl has arrived at the Marxism2 castle after a journey of 58 miles 
>from Marxism1. He dismounts from his horse and hands it over to 
Leopold Bloom who looks after the horses. Leopold was in good form 
and asked Karl had he seen Stephen on his journey to Marxism2. Karl 
said that he had not seen him but had read a lot about him. Karl 
asked Leopold did he know he was famous. Leo said he did but that 
he was famous much of the time for the wrong reasons. He added that a 
lot of people pretended they undestood his character from reading 
what a guy called Jimmy Joyce had said about him.He concluded by 
claiming that a lot of these people were charlatans who wanted to cut 
an image or make money out of his actions. 

Karl was very tired and wanted to have a snooze. But before he went 
off to one of the castle chambers to have cat-nap he asked Leo to 
inform Ralph that he was present. Leopold said he woud do 

Lets hope for Karl's sake Ralph joins him later. And lets hope Ralph 
has not made of to his other home, Marxism1. Soneone, I think it was 
Virginia Woolf, said she had seen someone on horseback galloping out 
of the courtyard a little earlier.

                              Yours etc.,

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