File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-31.055, message 74

Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 12:08:28 -0600
Subject: Tax the rich

Tom asked me to forward this to the list.  I shortened it a bit, just
use the addresses in the post to get more.

>>> "Tom Condit" <>  7/22/96, 07:05am >>>
I downloaded one of these posters and (a) it looks great, but (b) it 
took forever to download and (c) quite a long time to print as well.
Tom Condit

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Mon, 22 Jul 96 14:56:02 CDT
From: (Share the Wealth)

Nationwide Saturation Postering Campaign

ACTION ALERT!   Join the Tax the Rich Poster Campaign!

Point your Web Browser to to download

Or send $2 donation to Poster Nation-37 Temple Pl. 5th Floor-Boston,
MA 02111

Next postering scheduled for:
AUGUST 11, 1996, the day before the G.O.P. Convention in San Diego

POSTER NATION is based on the concept of "Nationwide Saturation
Postering."  On selected action days between Feb. 18 and Nov. 4,
1996, TAX THE RICH forces across the U.S. will simultaneously engage
in acts of guerilla street-postering to promote the TAX THE RICH

1996 Action Days: Feb. 18 * Apr. 14 * May 31 * Aug. 11 * Aug. 25 *
Oct. 6 * Nov. 3

Design your own TAX THE RICH poster or use the ready made designs at and put up a bunch of them in your
neighborhood on August 11.  Send one to the address above.  If we
like it, your design will soon be all over the country...

Why Tax the Rich?

As of 1990, the wealthiest 1% controlled 40% of the nation's wealth--
twice the percentage they held just 20 years before. (From Edward N.
Wolff, "Top Heavy," Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1995, ISBN

     --- from list ---


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