File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-07-31.055, message 94

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 00:00:39 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: internal relations, "system" & such stuff?

Just finished reading couple of articles on 'Foucault, Lacan, history,
system, real etc.', by Charles Shepherdson. Articles are to be found
on "Postmodern Culture" electronic journal "website", server is common

Especially in the second article - Shepherdson's reply to reader
commentary - there are several quite interesting remarks on themes
common to list members; logical paradoxes, 'basis' of 'system', even
one on 'internal relations'. Writer isn't exactly "nut pomo", and he
clarifies some of those weird (esp. lacanian-logical) themes quite
elegantly. In a matter of fact he denies clearly any discourse
idealism. Reply seems to be mainly to one psychoanalyst who wondered
the status of the concept of real (by Lacan), whether it's just a
feature of structure itself or something else..

I won't send the articles as such because they are "html" documents
and I'm unable to clear them of those html codes (i've been just able
to read or print them). Articles are also quite huge, 1. is over 100
kilobytes, 2. nearly 150 kilobytes.

Reason why I'm offering them is simply that there might be some
reasonable food for thought.

If there's any interest at all, I'll send them as attachments directly
to you. There's no need to put so large files onto list system. And if
it looks that there's any relevance in them, then we can perhaps put
parts of them on circulation, provided that someone can handle those
html codes..?

I'll soon (in a day or two) leave the town for a week or two, so
answer immediately. Otherwise the whole business is left for autumn
when we obviously will have quite a mess, at work as well as on the


PS. I'll check my post, though, in a meantime, but I'm not sure
whether I'm able to handle all that mess with attachments via modem.

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