Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 02:36:25 GMT Subject: Re: Good History of Western Civilization? Try Charles van Doren's _History of Knowledge_, Birch lane Press, New York, 1991. 419 pp., hc. Uneven in spots, hardly Marxist, but interesting. --tallpaul On Jul 27, 1996 21:37:54, 'Philip Locker <>' wrote: >Hi, > >I know this is sort of out of the blue but I wanted some help finding a book. >Can anybody recomend a good history of Western Civilization (It does not >have to be marxist) from the Greeks on up. It could be a serries or >individual books on different periods (Greeks, Romans, Middle Ages, etc, >18th century) or 1 book! I'm looking for a all around hisrory in the >historical sense, i.e. not that much of an interpertation ,but more what >happened (intellectually, cultural, economic, political, etc.) > >Any help would be appreciated. > >-- >Philip Locker > > > >--- from list --- --- from list ---
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