File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 105

Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 16:04:59 GMT
Subject: Bukharin vs. ...

On Aug 06, 1996 21:18:25, 'Greg Schofield <>' wrote:

<with discourse edited out> 
>Perhaps it was Bukharin who was right all along!  
There are two meanings that can be attacked to this sentence. 
"I am going to argue that Bukharin was right all along on issues of
economics during the transitional phase, but I don't want to be held
accountable for what I argue so remember that I never claimed that  he was
right; I only wrote that "perhaps" he was right." 
"Let's discuss whether Bukharin was right or not on economics during the
transitional phase." 
Meaning One is dishonest; Meaning Two requires that the focus of discourse
be on E. Preobrazhensky and Bukharin, not Bukharin, Lenin and Trotsly. 

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