Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 16:04:59 GMT Subject: Bukharin vs. ... On Aug 06, 1996 21:18:25, 'Greg Schofield <>' wrote: <with discourse edited out> > >Perhaps it was Bukharin who was right all along! > There are two meanings that can be attacked to this sentence. MEANING ONE: "I am going to argue that Bukharin was right all along on issues of economics during the transitional phase, but I don't want to be held accountable for what I argue so remember that I never claimed that he was right; I only wrote that "perhaps" he was right." MEANING TWO: "Let's discuss whether Bukharin was right or not on economics during the transitional phase." Meaning One is dishonest; Meaning Two requires that the focus of discourse be on E. Preobrazhensky and Bukharin, not Bukharin, Lenin and Trotsly. --tallpaul --- from list ---
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