File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 11

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 15:53:18 +0100
Subject: was lorena bobbit right to do what she did?

In a refreshing blast from the past, mimi lazlo writes:

>hugh sez to me >How did you and yours react to the Bobbit thing? You
>remember, she chopped off his dick and drove around flourishing
>>it for a while before chucking it out of the car window so he could
>>get it sewed back on? Neat, huh?
>mimi here. ok hugh. lissen up.  lorena bobbit was being raped and
>assalted. neat, huh? ciao 4 now, mimi

I know she was. I would never say 'neat, huh? about that. I would even be
hard pushed to do it in sarcasm.

I asked how you reacted. Did you think she was right to do it? I didn't ask
why she might have done it, I think most of us can guess.

Nice to have you back, mimi!

ciao 4 now,


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