Date: Wed, 07 Aug 1996 02:33:23 +0000 Subject: My growing book collection This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Here is a list of some of my recent acquisitions. I haven't read any of these yet. I'd welcome comments on them. For instance, I enjoyed the comments of Chris Sciabarra and others on Ollman's "Dialectical Investigations" on this list not long ago. It helps to orient me as to what it is and is not about, so that I'll probably get more out of the book when I read it. Or if I slipped up and got something really stupid, I can toss it. If somebody has a question and can't get the book, I could even look up something for you perhaps. There's a bunch of anthropology stuff in this list too. Lisa ÿWPC–x˜ pricorn:New€YorkÐNew€York€1983Ð--------------509A6BBB7DCC-- --- from list ---
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