Date: 07 Aug 96 13:22:57 EDT Subject: Re: Stalin explained What would you have done if you had been Stalin at the time ????.... this is a way of looking at history which is completely sterile. What would you have done if you'd been Hitler and you wanted to save humanity by keeping the race pure ???!! The key to the Russian revolution is th einternational situation. The job of the bolsheviks was to hold on as well as they could and work on informing and inspiring the world's working class to revolt and come to their aid. They managed this sometimes, but after the civil war, with a working class largely decimated, the material pressure of a new layer of bureaicrats with their own interests, an exhausted people, the revolutionaries, including Trotsky, lost the debate, and Stalin , keeping the old vocabulary, carried out an industrial revolution in the habitual capitalist way with massive suffering. . From then on the Societ Union was capitalist capitalist capitalist. If we don't remember it was capitralist, that accumulation was the central aim (for military purposes sure), we can understand very little. John Mullen Socialisme International France --- from list ---
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