File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 122

Date: Wed, 07 Aug 1996 21:04:50 +0100
Subject: Re: My growing book collection

lisa rogers wrote:
> Here is a list of some of my recent acquisitions.  I haven't read any of
> these yet.  I'd welcome comments on them.  For instance, I enjoyed the
> comments of Chris Sciabarra and others on Ollman's "Dialectical
> Investigations" on this list not long ago.
> It helps to orient me as to what it is and is not about, so that I'll
> probably get more out of the book when I read it.  Or if I
> slipped up and got something really stupid, I can toss it.  If
> somebody has a question and can't get the book, I could even look
> up something for you perhaps.  There's a bunch of anthropology stuff in
> this list too.
> Lisa
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
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What format did you use for this file Lisa? I can't read it.

Oh ..... hi everyone on M2. I have been reading the postings with 
interest, and I hope to make the occasional contribution to the 
discussions on this list. I will try to do so in a possitive and comradly 

Best wishes,

      New Worker Online

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