File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 124

Subject: Re: My growing book collection
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 12:29:20 -0000


i attempted to view your attached file, only to be told by my Comrade
Computer that the file was password protected and or encrypted.

Could you please send the secret word that would unlock it?

Have tried all the names of the Greats in the History of the International
Proletariat Movement, including Ramsey MacDonald and none opens your file.
Cannot even begin to start with the Great Events of the Working Class
Movement because there just are toooooo many of them. And i'd miss out on
the Millenium Celebrations were i seriously going to attempt this

But then the password could be the name of your favourite plant, or car, or
park or birthdates....

Awaiting the Magic Open SaysaMe Word!

"Love is a play with short acts 
and long intermissions." 
     Lara Reisner
         / ^  _ \  
      (\| (o)(o) |/)
"Just because you're paranoid, 
don't mean they're not after you."
      Kurt Cobain

From: lisa rogers <>
To: marxism2 list <>
Subject: My growing book collection
Date: 07 August 1996 02:33

Here is a list of some of my recent acquisitions.  I haven't read any of 
these yet.  I'd welcome comments on them.  For instance, I enjoyed the 
comments of Chris Sciabarra and others on Ollman's "Dialectical 
Investigations" on this list not long ago.  

It helps to orient me as to what it is and is not about, so that I'll 
probably get more out of the book when I read it.  Or if I 
slipped up and got something really stupid, I can toss it.  If 
somebody has a question and can't get the book, I could even look 
up something for you perhaps.  There's a bunch of anthropology stuff in 
this list too.


     --- from list ---


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