Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 10:51:01 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Looking on the bright side Hugh Rodwell wrote: > OK, so it's good old no-holds-barred British satire darting its poisoned > barbs at master and slave alike in a repressive, colonialist society racked > with insoluble contradictions. Petty-bourgeois, leave-me-out-of-this > despair. Irony has always been the weapon of the weak (it turns into > sarcasm in the hands of the powerful). I think Lenin once said that a sense of irony was an essential requirement for revolutionaries. As for Monty Python, there's a lot of *very funny* stuff which even the most constipated Marxist should be able to laugh at. The scene from _The Meaning of Life" where thousands of little kids dressed in Edwardian attire singing and dancing (beautifully choreographed) the song "Every Sperm Is Sacred" was precious! Jerry > PS Why don't we make Monty Python the Honorary Presidium of this forum? PS: I'd rather have Lisa as moderator. --- from list ---
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