File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 3

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 01:38:42 -0700 (MST)
Subject: boogedy-boo!

Someone (sorry, don't have the quote handy) suggested that I might be an
FBI agent on a secret mission to undermine Marxism by encouraging its
adherents to discuss its core issues.  Isn't this precisely what one would
expect Marxists to be discussing, even to be obsessed with?  In a mail-list
titled "Marxism"?  Give the fuzz a medal!  (I prefer a citation as a "hero
of the revolution.")

And now, a poem:

                    Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Fuzz
    Fuzzy wuzzy was a fuzz
    His fleece (ya dig?) was white as snow 
    And everywhere the People went
    The Fuzz was sure to go.

(You can snap your fingers now.)

What a curse these social distinctions are.  They ought to be abolished.
I remember saying that to Karl Marx once, and he thought there might be
an idea for a book in it.

     --- from list ---


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