Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 21:10:18 -0400 Subject: Don't Worry Rahul Don't worry Rahul; no basic personality changes here. It's just that Doug has decided that it is one of his functions in cybelife is to do his best to perform as if he were carbuncles on my posterior, maybe to inspire to the production of great economic tomes, and in moments of weakness, I find it worth the effort to show that two can play the game. Little Red Hughy is just such a constipated, tight-assed Trot that it's hard to withhold comment when he recites the cathecism (Q: What was the Second International? A: The Second International was the degeneration of revolutionary Marxism into reformism...) as if he were providing us with profound insight. In any case, I would never to attempt to compete with Ralph on his discursive ground -- I know my betters at vituperation. In any case, I am off to a vulgar reformist trade union convention early tomorrow to carry on my work of betraying the revolutionary working class, so I won't be around for a bit. Leo --- from list ---
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