File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 56

Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 23:06:43 +0100
Subject: Re: Marxism: meat and potatoes questions

In their latest exchange, Mark A lectures Philip L:

>What happened was the predictable result of a dictatorship.  The
>political ideology of the dictators (in this case the Soviet Communist
>Party and its secret police organs) was almost irrelevant., except to
>the extent that it reflected a ruthless, amoral, and stupid dogma.
>>if you want an explanation of STALINISM ask for one
>Stalinism?  Stalinism was merely the exaggeration of an already
>existing dictatorship, further concentrated into one man's hands.
>Dictatorship existed from the very beginning.

etc etc

So. Didn't take long, comrades, did it?

Mark's first post came through two days ago, on 30 July, all dewy innocence
and wide-eyed sincerity. 'Tell me all about this Marxism idea. I'm all
ears.' Now, nine posts later, his schoolboy ravings -- Democracy and
Dictatorship! I ask you! The only people who repeat that after eighth grade
are careerists and arse-crawlers! -- qualify him for the List Lunacy
mailbox straight off, pending the equinoctial trashing spree.

Still, he did elicit some nice postings about the basics of approaching
Marxism. It's an ill wind blows nobody good.

Makes you wonder if he does this sort of thing for a living.



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