Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 18:46:43 -0400 (EDT) Subject: UPDATE FROM HAVANA (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 01:36:45 From: <> To: Subject: UPDATE FROM HAVANA "Community Press in Today's World: Alternative Grass Roots Proposals" Oct 21-25, 1996 Havana, Cuba Come to Cuba and build solidarity with Left thinkers and activists from all over the world! The Cuban Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) and the Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism (IIPJM) jointly invite activists and alternative/community media workers to come to Havana to discuss strategy at the International Community / Alternative Press Encounter in October 1996. In addition to the standard academic papers, there will be projects such as an exchange of an alternative U.S. currency with Cuban pesos, strike videos, fiestas in Cuban nighborhoods and more! Conference topics/activities: - Communication, democracy and popular movements - Family and the community press - Debates in a pluralist, democratic atmosphere - Community press as a free expression of social, political and cultural movements - Workshops in dynamic, active reporting - Fighting neoliberal interventions - The current situation and its perspectives for community radio, television and newspapers * Papers have a 5 page limit with one page summary by Sep. 21 Organizers of the event have designed an activity plan including: - Collateral conferences on the current economic and socio-political situation in Cuba - Neighborhood encounters - Sightseeing - Visits to radio, television and newspapers The Encounter will allow participants to truly experience the reality of a country that lives, works, has fun and struggles under the most brutal blockade in the 20th century. ************ ACTIVITY PROGRAM ************* Monday, October 21 9:00 am Accreditaton of delegates in the Villa Panamericana 11:00 am Official opening ceremony 12:30 pm Lunch 2:30 pm Conference: "The Current Social-Political Situation in Cuba," Dario Machado, Director of The Center for Studies on America (CEA) 4:00 pm Plenary session: Communication, Democracy and Grass Roots Movements 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time, with optional activities at the conference center Tuesday, October 22 9:00 am Discussion sections on: 1. Current community press issues 2. Family and women's rights in the community/alternative press 3. Community/alternative press as a free expression of social, political and cultural movements 4. Active, dynamic reporting as a way to recover news legitimacy 5. Adaptations to neoliberal interventions and the community/alternative press 10:30 am Recess 11:00 am Continuation of debates in groups 1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Continuation of debates in groups 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time, with optional activities at the conference center Wednesday, October 23 9:00 am Workshops (3) on the current situation and perspectives of community radio, television and newpapers 10:30 am Recess 11:00 am Continuation of debates 1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Continuation of debates 5:00 pm Conference on "Cuba's Economic Situation," with guest speaker 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time, with optional activities at the conference center Thursday, October 24 9:00 am Visits to Cuban radio, television, newspapers and NGO publications, etc. 11:00 am Tour of Old Havana 1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Exchange on the formation of Cuban journalists at the event's headquarters 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time, with optional activities at the conference center Friday, October 25 9:00 am Plenary session: -Reports from discussion sections -Reports from workshops 11:00 am Recess 1:30 am Closing ceremony 2:00 pm Lunch Afternoon Free time Evening Closing fiesta in Havana neighborhoods! ********************************* PACKAGE: 7 DAYS IN CUBA IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH ITS PEOPLE $224.00 USD Oct 20-26 (6 nights and 7 days) Includes: full room and board (breakfast, lunch and dinner), transportation from and to the airport, transfer for the entire official program and farewell party * Does not include air fare or airport tax ($12 USD) Conference registration fee: $50.00 USD for delegates and guests Send your project proposal or paper title today! Name_______________________ Institution________________ Position___________________ Tel________________________ Fax________________________ e-mail_____________________ Address____________________ To participate as: speaker_____ attendant ______ (for speakers) Title of paper: _____________________________ * Don't forget to ask about our other conferences, such as the December Film Critics Encounter, concurrent with the Havana Film Festival, or the one on Hemingway: Hard Core Journalism... Organizing Committee: Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism calle G #503 e/ 23 y 21, Habana, Cuba tel (537) 32 29 65, fax (537) 33 30 79 e-mail: <> Comites de Defensa de la Revolucion (CDR) calle Linea #157 e/ K y L Habana, Cuba tel (537) 32 19 56, 32 05 32 fax (537) 33 53 26 Questions? Mike Fuller International Relations e-mail: <> ==============================================================PLEASE E-FORWARD, DO A SNAIL MAILING, MAKE POSTERS, ANNOUNCE ON COMMUNITY RADIO STATIONS, TAKE OUT ADS IN THE ALTERNATIVE PRESS, LAUNCH A TELEPHONE CAMPAIGN, WRITE ON THE BATHROOM WALL, ETC... ============================================================== --- from list ---
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