File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 8

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 14:31:33 +0100
Subject: Re: marxism2-digest V1 #198

I read an exchange this morning:

>>In a message dated 96-07-30 21:12:00 EDT, Doug Henwood writes:
>><< I will hang my head all evening, in contemplation of my
>>second-rate truculence. As always, Leo, I learn from your shining
>>moral example. Truly you are a light unto the world.
>> Doug >>
>Oh, you poor innocent. Just sitting there, spitting at everybody that
>walks by, and somebody spit back. Life's a bitch, isn't it?

I couldn't  help wondering just how this could be considered on-topic for

Any suggestions welcomed.



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