File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-08-08.172, message 85

Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 03:26:58 GMT

On Aug 03, 1996 11:13:11, '"SCOTT R MCLEMEE" <MCLEMEE-AT-MAIL.LOC.GOV>' wrote:

>It  looks  like  Robert  is  still  very pleased with himself for 
>dubbing Lisa  "the  elegant baronness," as  silly  a put-dopwn as 
>I've ever heard.  But fair is fair.  It's time we started calling 
>Malecki "the Swedish meatball." 
1. It is not a matter of being "fair" but of continuing a scientific
approach to issues and restating our reasons for not engaging in apolitical
or antipolitical insults. 
2. R. Malecki shows what his "scientific socialism" is composed of when he
abandons a historically-based class analysis for insults. That is, Lisa is
not a representative of the feudal aristocracy. That R. Malecki maintains
that she is more reveals Malecki than Lisa. Or, if you want it put another
way, R. Malecki shows himself to be the dreaded petty-bourgeois
individualist willing to sacrifice a scientific analysis when he thinks
something is cute. But then isn't this the same navel-gazing mystic who
announces in every post how his belly button is his crystal ball? 
3. Calling R. Malecki "the Swedish meatball" stigmatizes Swedish people as
somehow responsible either for Malecki directly or the culture that
produces Malecki. 
4. Mentioning "meatballs" also unfairly categorizes Swedish cooking. 
In other words, let us avoid what some French readers of
<soc.politics.marxism> have styled linguistic Coca-Colonialism! 
Put another way, entering into mutual insults just makes us like Malecki;
the point is not to emulate Maleckism but to abolish it. 

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