Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 14:27:08 +0100 Subject: Meat-balls? Tallpall wrote: >4. Mentioning "meatballs" also unfairly categorizes Swedish cooking. Shows how much you know about Swedish cooking! Cheers, Hugh PS For Swedish cooking, check out a little brochure called Smorgasbord -- A Swedish Classic, compiled by Kerstin Torngren and published by The Swedish Institute, Stockholm 1996. and (later this autumn) the much posher: A Taste for All Seasons -- Cooking and Design in Sweden, forthcoming, can't remember the authors' names off-hand, published by the Swedish Institute, Stockholm 1996. Details from Swedish embassies or consulates near you. Man ist, was man isst. Erst kommt das Fressen, und dann kommt die Moral! An army marches on its stomach! --- from list ---
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