Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 07:34:11 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Do Not Panic Q: What happens when the lightbulb at a meeting of a dozen marxists goes out? A1: What light bulb? A2: What light? A3: We have to decide democratically what to do next. [but I can't see you? ... you can hear me, right?]. A4: What type of bulb should we use? [maybe we shouldn't use light bulbs which are capitalist commodities. Perhaps we should make our own revolutionary candles?]. [hours pass ... intense debate follows ... someone objects to the minutes for the last meeting] A5: This is a decision that can only be made by the proletariat [what about asking the Central Committee, comrade?]. A6: I strongly object to asking this question. Posing this question is unMarxist and undialectical since everything is related to everything and if we are to discuss the "lightbulb question" we can not separate that question from OFPPS, literature, the agrarian question, the flaming path, the price and quality of flea collars, etc. A7: I move that the meeting be adjourned. The chair calls for a voice vote and the meeting is adjourned (amidst shouts from some demanding a re-count). The Marxists leave the meeting and go outside. It is a dark overcast pitch black night. [Good night, comrades. Good night.]. Jerry --- from list ---
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