File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 127

Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:35:44 +0930
Subject: Monthly Review mob


This is a request for information on the "Baran & Sweezy/Monopoly
Capital/Monthly Review" school of thought - if such a thing can be defined.
I am looking at different ways to define and measure the economy and have
recently been re-reading Baran and Sweezy's "Monopoly Capital" (with
particular interest in their notion of economic surplus) and picking my way
through issues of Monthly Review.

What I'd like to know from you people on the opposite side of the world is
what sort of standing their analysis and the Monthly Review mob have among
Marxists and left political movements over there. For instance, are there
political groups or movements who are informed by their notions of
"monopoly capital" or does that analysis still hold much sway among
academic political economists (Marxist or otherwise)?

I do not need so much comment on the theories themselves (although if you
want, go for it), but it is hard to get a picture of its continuing
relevance or otherwise to the wider "left" from over here.

Look forward to your thoughts, cheers

Greg Ogle
Centre for Labour Studies
University of Adelaide
South Australia                    

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