File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 128

Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 01:14:31 -0700 (PDT)

Attention, please!  There is no financial or institutional
interest in this for me, but I am personally asking you to support
the vital cultural activist work of my dear colleague Fred
Whitehead, whose newsletters are intellectually priceless but who
is suffering from a lack of support from the left for his work.

Out in Kansas, veteran radical activist (30 years) Fred Whitehead
issues two print format newsletters which are worth checking out:
(1) PEOPLE'S CULTURE, six times per year, which "covers the
waterfront" for working class poetry, art, music, events,
perspectives and current scholarship, esp. biographies and
autobiographies.  Special issues have focused on The Labor
Movement, Racism, The Women's Movement, Latin America, the
Columbus Invasion, and the Culture of Islamic Countries.  Recent
"perspectives" columns have taken up the persistence of
Economistic tendencies in the Labor movement, the failure of
Socialism in Eastern Europe, and why culture is important for
social/political movements.  Issues now in progress will deal with
British Labor culture, including the Marx Memorial Library in
London, Fiction, The Utopian Experience, Theory, and Gay/Lesbian
Culture from a working class standpoint.  Sample issue is $3.00;
annual subscriptions are $15.00.

(2) FREETHOUGHT HISTORY, the only periodical in the world devoted
entirely to the heritage of atheism, agnosticism, and related
intellectual movements such as rationalism.  Topics range
world-wide, including the Christian Imperialist basis of western
hemispheric legal systems, Freethought writers in the Islamic
world, Votairine de Cleyre--anarchist poet, plus book reviews,
news and notes, interviews and profiles.  Next issues will deal
with Freethought sites in Britain, such as Thomas Paine's hometown
of Thetford, Conway Hall in London, and the Hall of the Leicester
Secular Society, as well as archives and libraries.  Sample issue
is $2.50; annual subscriptions are $10.00.

Payment in U.S. dollars only, please.  Rates are for any postal
address in the world.  Write Box 5224, Kansas City, Kansas 66119,

I have subscribed to both these newsletters since their inception.
Though humble in format, there is nothing like them in content:
there is an unbelievable quantity of substantial information in
each one; as a resource they put most glossy publications to
shame.  Fred's prodigious labor should not be in vain: I beg you
all to support his work.  New subscribers please tell him that you
read Ralph Dumain's ad, so that he can gauge the effectiveness of
cyber-publicity.  Thank you.

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