Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 05:13:35 -0400 To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: DUQUETTE ON SYSTEM & METHOD David Duquette becomes more reactionary, naive, blockheaded, and intellectually cowardly with each passing post. >In the last section of the Science of Logic Hegel is clear >that method cannot be abstracted from the system (from a system) >and retained as if it were merely an external tool. OK, then: >Marx was perhaps the first to articulate this idea of separating >the method from the system, thereby retaining what was rational >and discarding the mystical. Very sloppy scholarship and sloppier analysis. But there is more: >Historically and conceptually this has to be seen as a >tremendous irony, as it allowed method to be wielded in the most >oppressive ways. Method that is cut loose from the discipline >of systematic thought leads not only to irrationalism but also >to the tyranny of ideas when they are used to support a vision >of the "good" that must be attained at *all* costs. This is just too stupid to be believed. And what is funny about it is that it is precisely Duquette and not anybody else who conceives "attaining the good" "at all costs" as a detached, unqualified abstraction, devoid of any material context or contingency. Should any self-proclaimed intellectual be allowed to remain so willfully naive at the end of the 20th century? This is just contemptible beyond words. --- from list ---
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