File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 132

Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 21:43:21 +0200
Subject: Debate on religion and Marxism

Well, while raking over the dying embers of our campfires in this current
version of Spoon Marxist space, I thought it might be interesting for some
of you -- like Peter B perhaps -- to grab this:

>A professor of mine once remarked that one could not be analytical
>*and*  Catholic. True enough. But I would go further and state that ALL
>religion,  ALL belief in the ideal and supernatural, demands as a
>prerequesite the suspension of human reason in political affairs. This
>caveat is, rightfully,  anathema to the Marxian project. It is a
>dividing line between reason--and its highest development,
>materialism->-and the backwardness and superstition of the past.

As soon as I read 'analytical *and* Catholic', my synapses started flashing
'Jesuit' and my mouth started watering.

Trouble is, the debate is going on in an unnameable fold of Spoon space,
the one so delicately curtained off by that asbestos screen over there.

Anyhow, one of the basic questions being asked is, is it possible to have
really revolutionary priests?



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