File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 17

Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 21:17:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Gramsci quote. (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 01:52:10 +0200
From: Jorn Andersen <>
To: marxism2-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Cc: Michael Jovic <>
Subject: Re: Gramsci quote.

As I have not seen this on the list I send it again - sorry if double-posted / Jorn

The quote is in Gramsci: Selections from the Prison Notebooks, London 1971, p. 175.

A footnote there says i.a.:

"Romain Rolland's maxim "Pessimism of the intelligence, optimism of the will" was made by Gramsci into something of a programmatic slogan as early as 1919, in the pages of _Ordine Nuovo_."

There was a small debate about the slogan on this list from May 25th to 28th. If anybody is interested you can look it up in the archives (or e-mail me - most of it is still on my harddisk).


At 17:32 12-08-96 -0400, Justin Schwartz wrote:


>Gramsci liked to quote it. It's actually from Romaine Rollans, a

>once-famous fellow-travelling novelist who became a bof Stalin apologist

>in the 30s. Good quote, though. --Justin


>On Mon, 12 Aug 1996, Michael Jovic wrote:


>> Does anyone know where i can locate the quote that goes something like:


>> "optimism of the will, pessimism of the intellect..."


>> or it could even be the other-way around, am not sure. Anyway i have been

>> told is was written by Antonio Gramsci. Have searched the indexes of the:


>>  _Prison Notebooks_

>>  _Selections from Cultural Writings_

>> _Gramsci A Reader_


>> but have so far been unable to find the passage.


>> Any pointers to the right segment would be greatly appreciated.


>> Mike Jovic

>> Hertfordshire, England.



J=F8rn Andersen

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DK-1754  K=F8benhavn V

Tlf. +45-33250818




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